One of our most important goals is to improve our patients' smiles. Everyone wishes to improve their appearance and have a  more attractive and youthful smile. This holds true for all aspects of our population cutting across age, cultural backgrounds and gender.

We  provide a number of different cosmetic approaches in order to achieve more beautiful smiles. The simplest approach when the teeth are in good condition and have  had minimal dental work is cosmetic tooth whitening or bleaching. This is accomplished by the patient at home with special mouth trays which we construct. This approach is much more effective than products which the patient might purchase at the supermarket or pharmacy.

Sometimes the cosmetic problem can be solved by replacing old discolored fillings with new bonded porcelain restorations. This can be accomplished on either front or back teeth in order to conceal the brown or black stains from old silver restorations. If the teeth have also suffered damage and are broken down, a determination has to be made as to whether crowns or porcelain laminates might provide for a stronger and better esthetic result.

Crowns are made in the laboratory and they cover most of the tooth. They look and feel almost like your own tooth and can be fabricated in an esthetic manner. Porcelain laminates are fabricated to cover front teeth and are extremely esthetic. They contain no metal whatsoever and can dramatically improve the patient's overall appearance.

Each patient's situation is unique depending upon the state of the teeth and the patient's desires and values. An  esthetic consultation and evaluation must be arranged  for each patient individually. Following an in-depth evaluation, Dr. Sreter will recommend treatment options  which will then be discussed with you before reaching a final treatment plan.


Robert Sreter

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